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Medizinische Güter

B.WELL PRO-110 Inhaler
B.WELL PRO-110 Inhaler
local_offer €29,97 speichern

B.WELL PRO-110 Inhalator

€69,94  €99,91

B.WELL WF-1000 Infrared Ear and Forehead Thermometer

B.WELL WF-1000 Infrarot-Ohr- und Stirnthermometer


Lancets Vivachek Ino, 100 pcs

Lanzetten Vivachek Ino - Blutzuckermessung, 100 Stk


Test strips Accu-Chek Instant, 50 pcs
local_offer €1,10 speichern

Test strips Accu-Chek Instant, 50 pcs

€18,89  €19,99

Sorbamed, 15 capsules
local_offer €4,07 speichern

Sorbamed, 15 Kapseln

€25,91  €29,98

Esperanza ECN001 Inhaler
local_offer €2,45 speichern

Esperanza ECN001 Inhalator

€57,50  €59,95

local_offer €8,75 speichern

Inhalator Mesh Vernebler YS35

€141,20  €149,95

SNOREEZE Anti-snoring Palatal Dissolvable Tablets, 14 pcs
local_offer €1,53 speichern

SNOREEZE Anti-Schnarch Palatal Schmelztabletten, 14 St

€22,40  €23,93

SNOREEZE Lozenges Against Snoring, 16 pcs
local_offer €0,99 speichern

SNOREEZE Lutschtabletten gegen Schnarchen, 16 St

€22,94  €23,93

Digital Thermometer DMT-412
local_offer €1,17 speichern

Digitales Thermometer DMT-412

€8,81  €9,98

B.WELL WT-03 Digital Thermometer
local_offer €4,23 speichern

B.WELL WT-03 Digitalthermometer

€10,70  €14,93

B.WELL WT-04 Digital Thermometer with Soft Tip

B.WELL WT-04 Digitales Thermometer mit weicher Spitze


B.WELL WF-5000 Infrared Thermometer
local_offer €8,48 speichern

B.WELL WF-5000 Infrarot-Thermometer

€66,50  €74,98

B.WELL WF-4000 Infrared Thermometer
watch_later Ausverkauft

B.WELL WF-4000 Infrarot-Thermometer

€51,92  €59,95

B.WELL MED-3000 Non-contact Infrared Thermometer
local_offer €2,45 speichern

B.WELL MED-3000 Berührungsloses Infrarot-Thermometer

€57,50  €59,95

Evolu Non-Contact Electronic Thermometer
local_offer €4,43 speichern

Berührungsloses elektronisches Evolu-Thermometer

€75,50  €79,93