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Schmerz und Kälte

Medistus Antivirus, 10 lozenges
local_offer €0,99 speichern

Medistus Antivirus, 10 Lutschtabletten

€16,91  €17,90

Mukaltin, 30 tablets Mucaltin
local_offer €0,90 speichern

Mukaltin, 30 Tabletten Mucaltin

€3,50  €4,40

Mucaltin 200 mg, 10 tablets
local_offer €1,80 speichern

Mucaltin 200 mg, 10 Tabletten

€1,16  €2,96

Lorosiv Ointment, 20 g Loroziv
local_offer €1,17 speichern

Lorosiv-Salbe, 20 g Loroziv

€8,81  €9,98

Himalaya Rumalaya Gel, 50 g
local_offer €1,17 speichern

Himalaya Rumalaya Gel, 50 g

€8,81  €9,98

Relaxnova Cream, 100 ml
local_offer €2,97 speichern

Relaxnova Creme, 100 ml

€22,94  €25,91

Oregano Tea, 30 g
local_offer €1,17 speichern

Oregano Tee, 30 g

€3,77  €4,94

Sinupret Forte, 20 tablets
local_offer €4,07 speichern

Sinupret Forte, 20 Tabletten

€15,92  €19,99

Propolis in Sunflower Oil, 30 ml
local_offer €1,44 speichern

Propolis in Sonnenblumenöl, 30 ml

€12,50  €13,94

Lactus Strong Herbal Tea, 20 tea bags
local_offer €1,40 speichern

Lactus Starker Kräutertee, 20 Teebeutel

€6,51  €7,91

Pferdebalsam Chili Warming Balm-Gel with Chili Pepper, 250 ml
local_offer €1,98 speichern

Pferdebalsam Chili Wärmendes Balsam-Gel mit Chili, 250 ml

€12,95  €14,93

Propodezas Forte with Propolis, 50 pastilles
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Propodezas Forte mit Propolis, 50 Pastillen

€8,81  €9,98

Termobronx Powder - Hot Drink, 8 packets

Termobronx-Pulver – Heißgetränk, 8 Päckchen


ERBA VITA Propoli EVSP Compresse, 30 tablets
local_offer €0,99 speichern

ERBA VITA Propoli EVSP Compresse, 30 tablets

€28,99  €29,98

Silvasept Immuno, 20 caramels

Silvasept Immuno, 20 caramels


PICHTOSEPT, 24 lozenges
local_offer €0,99 speichern

PICHTOSEPT, 24 lozenges

€7,82  €8,81